Here it is, I didn't even bother fixing the times I messed up :)
Let me start out by saying that I am not rich haha…I'm in college senior enduring my last semester. I just want an estimation on how much it would cost to do an 18 track record. Is that like, a huge amount?! Is there a discount for doing more songs, because that is something I am especially interested in? I'm contacting your service because I like what you have to say on your website for my project. You guys seem really down to earth and this is like my baby so I wouldn't just trust anyone with it.
This project would not be an average one. I my style is kind of a folk/pop on this particular album, but without the guitars. I am not a very good musician, only using the keyboard to get accompaniment to lyrics. So I play by ear, and I have improved. But while my limited ability to play has given me a unique style it has also left me with an issue of being too repetitive at times, or it just being too noticeable in the mix because I don't have any other instruments involved besides my voice. Much of my songs utilize vocals as instruments (which sounds pretty cool) so it's become an acapella/keyboard mixture there, which I don't hate, but no one is going to take me seriously like that, which is a critique I've gotten from close friends and family.
I want more instruments added to my songs, like a guitar or a more interesting keyboard sound, or better yet unique manmade drum sounds. But I still want to keep the music simple, with an acapella feel because that's the integrity of it and the lyrics are a heavy part of the songs so I don't want the production to sound like I wrote and recorded it in my room, I still want it to have that feeling and emotion tied to it, like a teenager wrote it because I had, but I think anyone can relate to my music.
I wrote this album when I was a junior/senior in high school. But it doesn't sound like an average poppy, high school, Disney channel album. It's poetic and could be even more fun and meaningful if presented professionally. My voice is still young-sounding and I would be singing on the album, for sure, and harmonizing with myself. I have some home recording studio equipment and plan on getting more for this project.
The album is a roller coaster of emotions and different perspectives of a love situation.
I have since written 5 more albums and my style has evolved tremendously from R&B, to indie to Jazzyness. But this was my first album and I haven't been able to "get it out there" because it is still not finished, um, 7 years later. None of my albums are. I have tons of demos and I need help because I keep writing, and I am overwhelmed with songs!
I would be excited to see what you guys could do with one of my albums or even just one of my songs but I want the best deal. I like the tunes that I have created and don't want that to change, but if they are unbearably repetitious, let me know.
One of them is 7 minutes long and others are like 2 minutes long. The average is 3-4 minutes. This is an autobiographical, story-telling album, with some adolescence but also some poetic and mature-for-my age stuff. I like that it's not average, but a little quirky. That's a part of my style.
I wish you could hear it and tell me what you think, as I haven't share it with professionals. I want to see it presented as best as it can before the world does!
Thanks, JJ
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